Energetics to Strategy

Hey Coaches! Ready to solve the mystery question, "How do I create clients?" once and for all?

Join me for Energetics to Strategy, a 4-week live mini mentorship to kickstart your private practice and create clients organically by being your natural dang self. 

Discover your innate ability to talk about your work with ease - to make your people feel seen, heard, and felt by you so they want to spend time with you.

If you've ever asked yourself or are kept awake at night with these thoughts...

"How do I invite people into a conversation?"

"Can they tell that I'm making it weird?!"

"Am I coming off too salesy?"

"Why the fork is no one taking me up on my offer?"

... then this is the mentorship you need to start making your approach less about you and more about serving the person in front of you.

No matter how amazing your coaching is, if your energetics and invitation comes off too graspy and doesn't feel genuine, the client is going to feeeeeel that. Yes, they can FEEL through the interwebs and can sense the uncertainty and eagerness. 

Of course people want to experience YOU and receive YOUR guidance... who doesn't?

They'll never know what could happen inside a life-changing conversation with you if they aren't approached with a warm invitation that makes it an easy "Yes!"

Because you came off too strong and made the invite before knowing a thing about them, it didn't make them feel like they could connect with you.

Because you had $$$ at the forefront (again, making it about you) and not focusing your attention on them (the person in front of you), they sensed that and ran in the other direction or ghosted you.

In this mini mentorship, you'll learn why energetics precedes strategy so that you can feel confident about your invitation and talk to people about your work without getting tripped up.

During this mini mentorship, you will learn that client creation is actually an inside job. 

A How-To or Step-By-Step manual will only get you so far. Strategy is only a fraction of the delivery. 

It's allllll in the language you use, your awareness around your thoughts, beliefs, and somatic sensations. 

We will talk about the key elements of creating this energy so that connecting with people and making invitations to clients come from a clean, authentic place. 

Creating the right energetics is a skill to last a lifetime in your business.

What is Energetics to Strategy?

Here are the details:

Live calls take place every Tuesday 1-2 PM EDT, for four weeks, beginning July 9th. (See you on July 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th!)

All calls will be recorded and sent to registrants.

You'll take big action steps over the 4 weeks to channel client attraction energy and practice the strategies taught.

You'll shift your energy around visibility, connecting, and inviting.

You'll be coached around doubts, fears, perceived blocks, and limiting beliefs that get in the way of connecting.

We'll do this in community.

BONUS: Register by Sunday, July 7th to access the live GROUP PLANNING CALL on Monday, July 8th at 1-2 PM EDT. (This call will be recorded and shared with registrants who are unable to attend live.)

This is about your READINESS to MAGNETIZE and ATTRACT your clients, not "finding" or "needing" clients.

Remember to be a human, first; and coach, second. 

The result?

Once you put all your learnings into practice over these 4 weeks, you'll notice a shift in the way you approach people and no longer make it mean anything about yourself.

You'll be like "Attachment to the outcome, who?!" 

This is your chance to be closely mentored and supported so that you can talk about your services from the heart with a relaxed demeanor and make invitations feel cool and casual, like James Bond, even in the face of danger. 

This is your invitation to level up with the Summer energy - 

vibrant, playful, and full of possibilities. 

Hope you'll join us starting July 9th!

Unsure if this mentorship is for you? Email me with questions at: jen@jenyangcoaching.com


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Weekly 1:1 Coaching with Jen

Meet with Jen for private 1:1 sessions to receive high-level coaching, feedback, and advice on all your life and business questions. Sessions are 30 minutes, scheduled M-F once weekly x 4 weeks during Energetics to Strategy, July 8-August 2, from 12-4pm EDT. One-time investment of $500. Only 5 spots available.

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  • 1xEnergetics to Strategy$444

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